- Essential fats
- 1 egg per day (boiled / scrambled)
- 1 tablespoon full of nuts and seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower and / or cashew)
- Cold carnivorous fish (salmon / sardines) 2 to 3 times per week
- Low GI carbohydrates
- Lentils, beans, nuts, fresh fruit and vegetables
- Avoid white and processed foods
- Fresh fruit, especially apples, pears and berries
- Dilute fruitjuice
- Avoid too much dried fruit
- Anti-oxidants and vitamine rich food
- Eat raw or steamed food
- 3 portions of fresh vegetables daily
- 4 portions of vegetables (broccoli, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts and chillies)
- Proteins (2 – 3 portions daily
- Plant proteins include beans, lentils, tofu, peas, corn
- Animal proteins (fish and other meats, but be careful of animal fats)
- Avoid harmful fat
- Animal fat and dairy products
- Potato wedges etc.
- Avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol
- Don’t add extra sugar to food
- Only drink 1 cup of caffeine per day
- Only 4 tots (preferably wine or beer) per week